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Lavinia Stamps - Scout Large Stamp LAV858Lavinia Stamps - Scout Large Stamp LAV858
Lavinia Stamps - Scout Large Stamp LAV858
A single silhouette stamp of a fairy on the lookout using a spyglass. Available in two sizes. This fairy stamp is full of personality and details with intricate wings, floating tendrils, a pixie hat and fairy telescope. The perfect stamp for peeking out of a Pixie Boot or on top of a Forest Cap Toadstool. (Approx) 10cm x 7.5cm
Lavinia Stamps - Meadow Blossom Stamp LAV846Lavinia Stamps - Meadow Blossom Stamp LAV846
Lavinia Stamps - Meadow Blossom Stamp LAV846
A set of two individual stamps showing a delicate and detailed illustration of meadow blossom. These stunning stamps are perfect for adding accents of colour and look ideal in a border with the Wild Summer Flower stamp set. (Approx) 3.5cm x 7.5cm and 2cm x 4.5cm

Lavinia Stamps - Twila Stamp LAV899Lavinia Stamps - Twila Stamp LAV899
Lavinia Stamps - Twila Stamp LAV899
A silhouette stamp of a fairy bending with hand outstretched. Twila has textured clothing with flowing tendrils and detailed wings. They are the perfect companion for scenes with Lumus Large or the Hummingbird Large. Stamp Size: 6cm x 9.5cm
Lavinia Stamps - Dragons Thorn Stamp LAV864Lavinia Stamps - Dragons Thorn Stamp LAV864
Lavinia Stamps - Dragons Thorn Stamp LAV864
A set of two silhouette stamps of a thorny plant. This set features a design of curling vines ideal for creating a thorny bracken edge to a card or adding to a foliage border. Stamp Size: 1.5cm x 8cm and 2.5cm x 11.5cm

Lavinia Stamps - Coven of the Blue Moon Stamp LAV912Lavinia Stamps - Coven of the Blue Moon Stamp LAV912
Lavinia Stamps - Coven of the Blue Moon Stamp LAV912
A stamp set featuring three individual standing silhouettes of a witch. The mystical witches have characterful curling ends to their tall, pointed hats and each wear a dress with flowing pointed sleeves and flowing skirts. Each witch can be identified by what they carry, a lamp, a broom and a staff. These witches are perfect for a smaller scene or to create perspective. Ideal to use in scenes with Mini Rune and Mini Jinx and Magical Mist. Stamp Size: 2.5cm x 5cm and 2.5cm x 6cm and 3.3cm x 5cm
Lavinia Stamps - Woodland Set LAV805Lavinia Stamps - Woodland Set LAV805
Lavinia Stamps - Woodland Set LAV805
A set of four silhouette foliage stamps. The stamp includes a set of  twigs, a small feather and a flowing piece of foliage. These stamps are ideal for adding to the Headdress stamp, or adding to a foliage rich undergrowth. Each stamp is between 1.5 cm and 2 cm width and 2 cm and 3.5 cm in height.

Lavinia Stamps - Tree of Life Stamp LAV873Lavinia Stamps - Tree of Life Stamp LAV873
Lavinia Stamps - Tree of Life Stamp LAV873
An individual stamp featuring an illustration of the Tree of Life. This stamp starts with sprawling roots and the tree has entwined vines around the tree trunk that then unfurl into curled branches. Perfect for adding to scenes with the Thimbleweed stamps and Dana the Fairy. Stamp Size: 7cm x 13cm
Lavinia Stamps - Thimbleweed Stamp LAV872Lavinia Stamps - Thimbleweed Stamp LAV872
Lavinia Stamps - Thimbleweed Stamp LAV872
A set of two stamps featuring one illustration of a larger hanging plant and one smaller silhouette version of the hanging plant. These stamps create a delightfully delicate foliage frame and are perfect for fairy scenes. Add to designs with the Tree of Life and the Sacred Bridge. Stamp Size: 1cm x 8cm and 0.5cm x 4.5cm

Lavinia Stamps - Lumus Large Stamp LAV897Lavinia Stamps - Lumus Large Stamp LAV897
Lavinia Stamps - Lumus Large Stamp LAV897
A silhouette stamp of a flying fairy. Available in two sizes, this is the larger. This flying fairy, called Lumus, has textured clothing and detailed wings and is extending her hand out. Lumus is the perfect addition to a scene with Flower Divine 1 and 2 and Shadow Bloom. Stamp Size: 8.5cm x 9cm
Lavinia Stamps - Tree of Spirits Stamp LAV918Lavinia Stamps - Tree of Spirits Stamp LAV918
Lavinia Stamps - Tree of Spirits Stamp LAV918
An individual silhouette stamp of a tree with spiky angular branches. Available in two sizes, this is the larger stamp. This stamp is perfect for building up an atmospheric forest. Add to other trees for a varied treeline like Elm, Hazel and Tree of Dreams. Stamp Size: 7cm x 10cm LAV918

Lavinia Stamps - Flower Divine 2 Stamp LAV902Lavinia Stamps - Flower Divine 2 Stamp LAV902
Lavinia Stamps - Flower Divine 2 Stamp LAV902
A single stamp featuring an illustration of a single flower stem just beginning to bloom. This exotic flower has curling spotted petals and a long thorned stem. The ideal companion for scenes with Lumus Small, Spellbound fairy and Twila. Stamp Size: 15cm x 4.5cm
Lavinia Stamps - Flower Divine 1 Stamp LAV901Lavinia Stamps - Flower Divine 1 Stamp LAV901
Lavinia Stamps - Flower Divine 1 Stamp LAV901
A single stamp featuring an illustration of a single flower stem in full bloom. This exotic flower has curling patterned petals and a long thorned stem. This stamp is ideal for scenes with Hummingbird, Moss Flowers and Bumble and Hum. Stamp Size: 16cm x 5cm

Lavinia Stamps - Forest Leaf LAV845Lavinia Stamps - Forest Leaf LAV845
Lavinia Stamps - Forest Leaf LAV845
A detailed stamp featuring a delicate illustration of a large leafed plant. With five leaves in differing sizes and delicate curling vines this stamp works beautifully as a border or the perfect foliage for a Woodland Hare to hide in. (Approx) 6cm x 12cm
Lavinia Stamps - The Oracle LAV543Lavinia Stamps - The Oracle LAV543
Lavinia Stamps - The Oracle LAV543
The-Oracle is 11.2 x 7.2cm Clean, clear, and easy to use, they are manufactured from high-quality transparent resin, ready for mounting on clear acrylic stamping blocks

Lavinia Stamps - Hattie Stamp LAV914Lavinia Stamps - Hattie Stamp LAV914
Lavinia Stamps - Hattie Stamp LAV914
A silhouette stamp of a witch holding a magic wand. This mystical witch has a beautiful pointed hat with a curling top. Her dress is form fitting with her sleeves finishing in an array of cobwebs. Her skirts finish in beautiful curling tendrils. She holds a magic wand as if ready to cast a spell. This witch is perfect for scenes with Magical Mist, Nightfall and Burst of Stars. Stamp size: 6cm x 10cm LAV914
Lavinia Stamps - Faba Stamp LAV913Lavinia Stamps - Faba Stamp LAV913
Lavinia Stamps - Faba Stamp LAV913
A silhouette stamp of the side view of a witch holding a lamp. This mystical witch has beautiful flowing locks with curls mirrored in her full skirts and pointed hat. Her long hanging sleeves have a delicate cobweb effect and she carries a rounded lantern. This witch is super for a larger scene or to create perspective. Perfect to use in scenes with Playful Pumpkin, Mooch and Magical Mist. Stamp size: 5cm x 10cm

Lavinia Stamps - Hill House Stamp LAV908Lavinia Stamps - Hill House Stamp LAV908
Lavinia Stamps - Hill House Stamp LAV908
A single stamp featuring a silhouette of a quirky house. This jaunty house has walls that lean and pointed rooves and turrets. It sits in a fenced area with uneven ground. The ideal companion for scenes with Flittermice, Bats and Tree of Spirits. Stamp Size: 4.5cm x 5cm LAV908
Lavinia Stamps - Magical Mist, Witching Hour, Tree of Spirits Small LAV910 LAV920 LAV919Lavinia Stamps - Magical Mist, Witching Hour, Tree of Spirits Small LAV910 LAV920 LAV919
Lavinia Stamps - Magical Mist, Witching Hour, Tree of Spirits Small LAV910 LAV920 LAV919
Tree of spirits:  An individual silhouette stamp of a tree with spiky angular branches. Available in two sizes, this is the smaller stamp. This stamp is perfect for building up an atmospheric forest and for creating a horizon. Add to other trees, for a varied treeline, like Oak Tree and Fir Tree 1. Stamp Size: 3.3cm x 5cm Witching Hour:  A stamp featuring text in a stylised curling font. The phrase: “It’s 3 am and the moon is bright/Tis Witching Hour on this dark cold night./Cast a spell and feel the power/There’s nothing quite like the Witching Hour.” This text is perfect for Hallowe’en and for any cards featuring night time scenes. Add to any card using a witch or a nocturnal animal like Badger 1, Owl or Bijou. Stamp Size: 6.2cm x 2.5cm LAV920 Magical Mist:  A single stamp featuring a silhouette of swirling magical mist. This magical mist is made up of curling dotted lines. These lines are perfect for adding movement to a scene, above a cauldron or perhaps as a witch’s spell. The ideal companion for scenes with Hattie, Bubbling Cauldron and Bats. Stamp Size: 6.2cm x 4cm LAV910  

Lavinia Stamps - Lumus Small Stamp LAV896Lavinia Stamps - Lumus Small Stamp LAV896
Lavinia Stamps - Lumus Small Stamp LAV896
A silhouette stamp of a flying fairy. Available in two sizes, this is the smaller. This flying fairy, called Lumus, has textured clothing and detailed wings and is extending her hand out. Lumus is the perfect addition to a scene with Fairy Bonnet Set, Luna Lights and Blackberry. Stamp Size: 6.5cm x 6.5cm
Lavinia Stamps - Moss Flowers Stamp LAV898Lavinia Stamps - Moss Flowers Stamp LAV898
Lavinia Stamps - Moss Flowers Stamp LAV898
A set of four individual stamps featuring illustrations of flower heads in two sizes. The Moss flowers have been especially designed to allow close stamping to create a floral group. Ideal for scenes with Bumble and Hum and Indra. Stamp Size: 3.5cm x 2.5cm, 3cm x 2.5cm, 2.5cm x 2cm and 2.3cm x 2cm

Lavinia Stamps - Twilight Lily Stamp LAV905Lavinia Stamps - Twilight Lily Stamp LAV905
Lavinia Stamps - Twilight Lily Stamp LAV905
A single stamp featuring an illustration of a tall stem of six flowers. The flowers are in various stages of bloom. They work beautifully with Flower Divine set, Meadow Blossom and Hummingbird Small. Stamp Size: 14cm x 5cm
Lavinia Stamps - Tree of Dreams LAV570Lavinia Stamps - Tree of Dreams LAV570
Lavinia Stamps - Tree of Dreams LAV570
The Tree of Dreams measures 12.3cm x 9.8cm. Clean, clear, and easy to use, they are manufactured from high-quality transparent resin, ready for mounting on clear acrylic stamping blocks

Lavinia Stamps - Forbidden Secrets Stamp LAV878Lavinia Stamps - Forbidden Secrets Stamp LAV878
Lavinia Stamps - Forbidden Secrets Stamp LAV878
A stamp featuring text in an elegant scripted font. The phrase: “Embark on an enchanted journey/ Explore the magic within/A forest gateway to a new beginning/ Just…believe…dream and walk in/ Wisdom, knowledge and acceptance/Will always set us free/The way to find forbidden secrets/Is look hard and find the key.” It is perfect for whimsical cards. Add to any card using doorways or keys like the Arch of Angels. Stamp Size: 6cm x 4.5cm
Lavinia Stamps - Thorn Vine Corner Stamp LAV887Lavinia Stamps - Thorn Vine Corner Stamp LAV887
Lavinia Stamps - Thorn Vine Corner Stamp LAV887
A single stamp featuring an illustration of an interwoven bramble and thorns that form a corner. The brambles form an interesting woven corner with curving lines and curling bramble tendrils. Stamp it around the edges for a beautiful frame for your design. Add extra brambles with Dragones Root stamp set and interesting characters with the Bugs stamp set. Stamp Size: 10cm x 10cm

Lavinia Stamps - Luka LAV881Lavinia Stamps - Luka LAV881
Lavinia Stamps - Luka LAV881
A single silhouette stamp of a seated cat in profile. This stamp is of a silhouetted cat, with pointed ears, button nose and curving tail, it is full of character. The perfect addition to any Halloween or magical scene featuring Willow the Witch. Stamp Size: 2.5cm x 4cm
Lavinia Stamps - Inner Gate Stamp LAV879Lavinia Stamps - Inner Gate Stamp LAV879
Lavinia Stamps - Inner Gate Stamp LAV879
A stamp featuring a patterned arched door. This stamp is of a beautiful arched shaped gate with patterning in panels. Perfectly designed to fit within the Arch of Angels. Stamp Size: 6cm x 3cm

Lavinia Stamps - Dragon Tree Root Corner Stamp LAV875Lavinia Stamps - Dragon Tree Root Corner Stamp LAV875
Lavinia Stamps - Dragon Tree Root Corner Stamp LAV875
A single stamp featuring an illustration of an interwoven root system that forms a corner. The root forms an interesting woven corner with flowing lines and curling tendrils. Stamp it around the edges for a beautiful frame for your design. Add interesting characters with the Fairy Bugs set. Stamp Size: 10cm x 9.5cm
Lavinia Stamps - Elfin Caps Stamp LAV876Lavinia Stamps - Elfin Caps Stamp LAV876
Lavinia Stamps - Elfin Caps Stamp LAV876
A set of 2 individual stamps featuring illustrations of toadstools. The two toadstools have long slender stalks and heavily spotted caps. They differ in height and cap size and are perfect for creating patterns or depth in a scene. Stamp them as focal points or within borders for a fairytale frame with some Fairy Foragers and the Elfin Cap Cluster stamp. Stamp Size: 11cm x 4.5cm and 7cm x 3cm

Lavinia Stamps - Moss Caps Stamp LAV882Lavinia Stamps - Moss Caps Stamp LAV882
Lavinia Stamps - Moss Caps Stamp LAV882
A set of 2 individual stamps featuring illustrations of toadstools. The two toadstools have long slender stalks and small pointed caps. They differ in height and cap size and are perfect for creating patterns or depth in a scene. Stamp them as focal points or within borders for a fairytale frame with the Tangled River Root Corner stamp. Stamp Size: 10.5cm x 2cm and 7.5cm x 1.5cm
Lavinia Stamps - Wild Leaf Corner Stamp LAV885Lavinia Stamps - Wild Leaf Corner Stamp LAV885
Lavinia Stamps - Wild Leaf Corner Stamp LAV885
A single stamp featuring an illustration of leaves and roots that form a patterned corner. This interesting corner has leaves of various styles and sizes and curling tendrils. Stamp it around the edges of your design for a beautiful frame. Add extra leaves with the Leaf 1 Mini stamp and a touch of fairies with Small Pixies. Stamp Size: 9.5cm x 9.5cm

Lavinia Stamps - Celeste Fairy LAV579Lavinia Stamps - Celeste Fairy LAV579
Lavinia Stamps - Simmi LAV497Lavinia Stamps - Simmi LAV497
Lavinia Stamps - Simmi LAV497
Simmi is part of our exciting new range of polymer stamps for 2018, measuring 8.9 x 7.3 cm

Lavinia Stamps - Forest Creeper LAV681
Lavinia Stamps - Forest Creeper LAV681
Lavinia Stamps - Forest Creeper
Lavinia Stamps - Swans Stamp LAV867Lavinia Stamps - Swans Stamp LAV867
Lavinia Stamps - Swans Stamp LAV867
A set of two silhouette stamps of a pair of swans. This set features a design of two swans perfect for sitting on a lake or surrounded by foliage like the Dragons Thorn or Bullrushes. Stamp Size: 3cm x 2cm and 3cm x 2cm

Lavinia Stamps - Botanical Blossoms Stamp LAV868Lavinia Stamps - Botanical Blossoms Stamp LAV868
Lavinia Stamps - Botanical Blossoms Stamp LAV868
A set of three stamps featuring illustration of Peacock feather-like blossoms and two separate blossoms. These stamps are beautifully detailed with scrolling tendrils, dots and patterned petal blossoms. Perfect for creating a fairy flying butterfly when added to the Botanical Blossoms bud or even use as a repeated pattern for a border. Stamp Size: 12cm x 7cm, 1.5cm x 0.5cm and 1cm x 0.5cm
Lavinia Stamps - Dana Stamp LAV863Lavinia Stamps - Dana Stamp LAV863
Lavinia Stamps - Dana Stamp LAV863
A single silhouette stamp of a very small fairy holding a lamp. This fairy has beautifully detailed wings and flowing tendrils from her head. The perfect stamp for placing inside a bottle from Spellcasting Remedies 1 or perhaps hitching a lift on a Swans back. Stamp Size: 3cm x 2cm

Lavinia Stamps - Forest Arch Stamp LAV871Lavinia Stamps - Forest Arch Stamp LAV871
Lavinia Stamps - Forest Arch Stamp LAV871
A single stamp featuring an intricate illustration of an arch with added flowers. The arch is created from woven vines. It is perfect for placing Dana the fairy stamp on or even one of the mice Minni and Moo or Basil and Bibi. It is also ideal for use in Christening or Wedding cards. Stamp Size: 10cm x 5cm
Lavinia Stamps - Druids Pass Stamp LAV870Lavinia Stamps - Druids Pass Stamp LAV870
Lavinia Stamps - Druids Pass Stamp LAV870
A single stamp featuring an illustration of a bridge. The bridge is made from a collection of different sized stones. It is perfect for putting Nia the fairy on or dangling Fairy Charms from. Stamp Size: 12cm x 5cm

Lavinia Stamps - Sacred Bridge Small Stamp LAV866Lavinia Stamps - Sacred Bridge Small Stamp LAV866
Lavinia Stamps - Sacred Bridge Small Stamp LAV866
A single stamp featuring an illustration of a bridge. Available in two sizes, this is the smaller stamp. The bridge is made from a collection of woven branches and vines. It is perfect for putting Nia the fairy on or dangling Fairy Charms from. With a delicate fenced walkway above it and stones at the base, it is perfect for placing some dragonflies from the Fairy Bugs set underneath or adding some bulrushes a the base. Stamp Size: 7.5cm x 3.5cm
Lavinia Stamps - Botanical Blossoms Bud Stamp LAV869Lavinia Stamps - Botanical Blossoms Bud Stamp LAV869
Lavinia Stamps - Botanical Blossoms Bud Stamp LAV869
A set of two stamps featuring an illustration of a smaller section of Peacock feather-like blossoms and a bud. These stamps are beautifully detailed with scrolling tendrils, dots and patterned petal blossoms. The bud is perfect for creating a fairy flying butterflys head when added to the Botanical Blossoms Stamp. Use the section of the Blossoms to create a repeating pattern or a smaller butterfly wing. Stamp Size: 5cm x 5cm and 4.5cm x 2cm

Lavinia Stamps - Bridge Your Dreams Stamp LAV862Lavinia Stamps - Bridge Your Dreams Stamp LAV862
Lavinia Stamps - Bridge Your Dreams Stamp LAV862
A stamp set of two phrases in easy to read capital font. These phrases; “Bridge Your Dreams and Make it Reality” and “Follow Your Dreams” are perfect for whimsical cards. Add to any card using a bridges, like the Sacred Bridge Large or Small. Stamp Size: 1cm x 9cm and 1cm x 5cm
Lavinia Stamps - Spellcasting Remedies 2 Stamp LAV855Lavinia Stamps - Spellcasting Remedies 2 Stamp LAV855
Lavinia Stamps - Spellcasting Remedies 2 Stamp LAV855
A set of three individual stamps featuring two bottles and one rectangular label. These stunning stamps are great for birthday cards, or maybe a magical potion. Add the finishing touch with a label. They look perfect with any fairy or even Willow the Witch. (Approx) 3.5cm x 4.5cm, 6cm x 2.5cm and 2.5cm x 2cm

Lavinia Stamps - Thistlecap Mushrooms Stamp LAV856Lavinia Stamps - Thistlecap Mushrooms Stamp LAV856
Lavinia Stamps - Thistlecap Mushrooms Stamp LAV856
A set of two individual stamps featuring delicate mushrooms. These stunning stamps feature frilled caps and a very elegant stalk.They look perfect in a woodland border with the Woodland Fern and Cedar stamps. (Approx) 6cm x 3cm and 4.5cm x 3cm
Lavinia Stamps - Snail House Stamp LAV851Lavinia Stamps - Snail House Stamp LAV851
Lavinia Stamps - Snail House Stamp LAV851
A single stamp featuring an illustration of a house within a snail’s shell. This detailed stamp has a beautiful swirl in the shell and the door is guarded by two Thistlecap mushrooms. Add to your Snail House design by creating a border with the Thistlecap mushrooms. (Approx) 6cm x 4.5cm

Lavinia Stamps - Spellcasting Remedies 1 Stamp LAV854Lavinia Stamps - Spellcasting Remedies 1 Stamp LAV854
Lavinia Stamps - Spellcasting Remedies 1 Stamp LAV854
A set of three individual stamps featuring two bottles and one oval label. These stunning stamps are great for birthday cards, or maybe a magical potion. Add the finishing touch with a label. They look perfect with any fairy or even Willow the Witch. (Approx) 4cm x 5.5cm, 3.5 x 4.5cm and 2cm x 2.5cm.
Lavinia Stamps - Pixie Boot Large Stamp LAV848Lavinia Stamps - Pixie Boot Large Stamp LAV848
Lavinia Stamps - Pixie Boot Large Stamp LAV848
A single stamp featuring a detailed illustration of a Pixie Boot. Available in two sizes. This elaborate heeled boot has buttons, stitching and a curled toe. Perfect as a house for the Woodland Mice stamp set or even as a lookout for the Scout stamp. (Approx) 12.5cm x 7cm

Lavinia Stamps - Snailcap Single Mushroom Stamp LAV853Lavinia Stamps - Snailcap Single Mushroom Stamp LAV853
Lavinia Stamps - Snailcap Single Mushroom Stamp LAV853
A single stamp featuring one slender mushroom with a patterned cap. This detailed stamp is the perfect addition to a scene with the Snailcap Mushrooms set. (Approx) 8cm x 4cm
Lavinia Stamps - Scout Small Stamp LAV859Lavinia Stamps - Scout Small Stamp LAV859
Lavinia Stamps - Scout Small Stamp LAV859
A single silhouette stamp of a fairy on the lookout using a spyglass. Available in two sizes. This fairy stamp is full of personality and details with intricate wings, floating tendrils, a pixie hat and fairy telescope. The perfect stamp for peeking out of a Pixie Boot or on top of a Forest Cap Toadstool. (Approx) 5.5cm x 8cm
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Lavinia Stamps

HixxySoft stock the full range of clear acrylic Lavinia stamps, with free UK delivery on all UK orders.